Thursday, 10 June 2021

NTUC FairPrice Weekly Savers Promotion Ad 10 - 16 June 2021

 NTUC FairPrice Weekly Savers Promotion 

Offers valid from 10 - 16 June 2021
Bluebird delisio potato chips
Cowhead uht milk
Perrier bottled, coca cola
Dole water jelly, Kellogg's froot loops 
 Similac total comfort 3
Taylor prunes, mission tortilla chip
Betty crocker pancake mix
lotte rose farm ham, Singha beer, edelweiss can
Tesco 6 fruity bakes
Meiji bulgaria yogurt drink, farmland premium french fries
SCS spreadable butter with olive oil
FairPrice gold cuttlefish ball
Fukuyama frozen hokkaido scallop
Fish & co IQF white sutchi fillet
Must buy promotion
Haagen-dazs stickbar
The ice cream & cookie co gelato/ sorbet
Kronenbourg 1664 blanc, FairPrice chicken nuggets
Seawaves dumpling
Huggies pants
Purchase with purchase
Nescafe gold, tai hua superior soy sauce
naturel extra virgin olive oil
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