Thursday, 9 July 2020

NTUC FairPrice Redeem La Gourmet Go Eco Collection Promotion 09 July - 14 October 2020

NTUC FairPrice Redeem La Gourmet Go Eco Collection Promotion

Offers valid from 09 July - 14 October 2020
Buy your La Gourmet Go Eco Collection now
At special prices with only 4 points!
Spend $30 and get 1 point*
Bonus point stubs issuance
from 09 July - 14 October 2020
09 July - 28 October 2020 
while stocks last
La Gourmet Go Eco 
Conserve energy & healthy living
1 year warranty, La Gourmet special reflective lining
unrivaled heat/cold retention
Suitable for hot & cold 
Durable food grade stainless steel 
Up to 87% off
0.38L tumbler
8 points + $15.90
4 points + $25.90
(Recommended retail price $79.90)
 0.5L Food jar
0.38L tumbler
8 points + $18.90
4 points + $28.90
(Recommended retail price $99.90)
1.7L Food Jar - Exclusive for Xtra & Finest
0.38L tumbler
8 points + $39.90
4 points + $49.90
(Recommended retail price $179.90) 
2.35L Tiffin Carrier
0.38L tumbler
8 points + $19.90
4 points + $29.90
(Recommended retail price $89.90)
 3.5L Thermal Cooker
0.38L tumbler
8 points + $49.90
4 points + $59.90
(Recommended retail price $239.90) 
435L Thermal Cooker - Exclusive for Xtra & Finest
0.38L tumbler
8 points + $99.90
4 points + $119.90
(Recommended retail price $399.90)
 Singapore limited edition
0.38L tumbler
8 points + $8.90
4 points + $13.90
(Recommended retail price $69.90)
0.5L tumbler
8 points + $18.90
4 points + $28.90
(Recommended retail price $79.90)
T&C apply 
FairPrice, FairPrice Finest
FairPrice Xtra, FairPriceShop
Warehouse Club
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