Thursday, 25 June 2020

NTUC FairPrice Promotion 25 June - 01 July 2020

NTUC FairPrice Promotion 

Offers valid from 25 June - 01 July 2020
Whip up homemade meals for the whole family
KCT superior soya sauce
FairPrice sardines in tomato sauce
FairPrice pickled lettuce, AAA braised peanuts
Yummy hunter sardines in tomato sauce
 Golden maid fried dace with salted black beans
Golden chef 100% pure sesame oil
Knorr mala seasoning
CP nasi lemak/fried rice/fried bee hoon
CP gourmet spaghetti/chicken with rice
CP gourmet glass noodles with baked shrimps
CP shrimp wonton, AA fish patty
CP mushroom mandoo
New Zealand fuyu persimmons
India rumani mango, Taiwan sweet pear
Driscoll's USA strawberrries, Sunkist australia navel oranges
Harvest fields china lychee
Fresh myanmar mango
Peru pomegranate
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