Friday, 5 January 2018

NTUC FairPrice Lion Promotion 05 - 18 January 2018

NTUC FairPrice Celebrate prosperity and good fortune with Lion Promotion 

Offers valid from 05 - 18 January 2018
TOP laundry powder detergent, Mama Lemon dishwashing liquid
Top Super low suds, Top concentrated laundry liquid detergent refill, Essence Sheer delicate laundry detergent

Win^ attractive prizes with purchase of $10 worth of participating LION brands
Promotion valid till 12 March 2018
Grand Prize
(2 winners)
$1,000 Hong Bao + $80 LION Gift Set
Consolation Prize
(5 winners)
$388 Hong Bao + $80 LION gift set

Early Bird Bonus
(3 winners)
HappyCall Axlerim Ultimate Power Blender (worth $799)
+ $80 LION Gift Set
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