Thursday, 1 June 2017

NTUC FairPrice Yummy Baking Deals 01 - 14 June 2017

NTUC FairPrice Yummy Baking Deals 

Offers valid from 01 - 14 June 2017
Hari Raya Baking supplies, cookies & treats offer
Pasar Enoki golden mushroom, FairPrice Natural coconut cream, AALST Chocolate buttons, Hershey's baking chips, Australia butternut pumpkin, Dutch Lady milk, FairPrice butter, Swallow Globe agar agar, Cowhead butter, Daisy margarine, Tong Garden salted cashew nuts, FairPrice Plain Flour, Wiltshire baking ware, Cap Limau Banana Fritters Flour, Bake King Hong Kong Flour, Pandan Paste, Morries 45L electric oven

Kuih Bahulu, Kuih Kapek, Origins Hari Raya Hamper HR80, Sunshine pizza, Dates, Coca cola, Ayam brand fried mackerel in chilli sauce, Spices of the orient

Star Buy
Style Food love letter, Rose syrup, Kellogg's corn flakes
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