Saturday, 17 January 2015

Harvey Norman Chef Saturday 17 January 2015

Harvey Norman Chef Saturday 

Harvey Norman Cooking Demonstration
Kearn how to whip up a sumptuous reunion dinner
Date 17 January 2015

Venue Harvey Norman Millenia Walk
Bosch Chef Sawarto - Prosperous nian gao, festive spring rolls, classic radish cake
Electrolux Chef Patrick Tan - Prosperity Yu Sheng with fruit salsa, Steamed grouper with double happiness sauce, Steamed broccoli with abalone & mushroom sauce

Venue Suntec City
Samsung Chef Shen Soy & spices roast chicken, salt baked salmon, Pineapple tart with coconut ice cream
Smeg Chef Julius Tan - mince chicken and cabbage dumplings, baked nian gao, mango and pamelo lo hei salad

Harvey Norman Kitchen Appliances Sale
Hot Buys
Techno rice cookeer, Philips glass blender

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